Freelancers, hold on 'help is on the way'

buzzz worthy. . .#FreelanceIsntFree

A huge "way to go" to Sara Horowitz, Leader of the Freelancers Union for bringing the issue of non-payment to the attention of President Obama on Wednesday at the White House during the WHITE HOUSE SUMMIT FOR WORKER VOICE TOWN HALL. Sara represents a class of workers that are often overlooked in labor relations conversations. She was able to really paint the picture of of the challenges freelancers face explaining to Mr. Obama, "The average freelancer have been stiffed 6,000 dollars a year." 

The Freelancers Union is based is a national organization based in New York and is 300,000 members strong.  

As an independent contractor, I added my voice to the collective thousands in the Freelance Union who are hoping help freelancers not only get paid, but in a timely manner.  It is all too common in writing, entertainment and faith based sector for clients to stiff contractors for work they have  performed --even with contracts in place.  This fleecing also happens in more traditional environments and there is no legislation in place to protect freelancers.  The only repercution to recoup loss is small claims court, which could be a greater financial burden.
 That's why Sara speaking to Pres. Obama
Sara is fighting on behalf of everyone who is being taken advantage of by not getting the wages they are dues for freelance work.  The Freelance Union is extending it message with the "Freelance Isn't Free" campaign.  Support and comment on the movement using #freelanceisn'tfree.

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