
Detroit singer/Pastor Marvin Winans allegedly turned a young mom away from participating in a baby dedication ceremony because the child was born out of wedlock. Charity Grace recently started attending the church and even though the marquee at Perfecting Church reads "You Belong Here" the church's policy made her feel unwelcome. The 39-year-old mother of one felt so .degraded she took the story to the news and said she would not step foot back into that church because Winans shuns unwed mothers. Winan's policy is not to bless babies of unmarried mothers before the congregation, a church administrator told her. She said she would have been open to having her 2-year-old son blessed by an elder of her choice on a weekday, but was not given that option.Winans, a Pentacostal, has not commented publicly on the allegation.
Rev. W.J. Rideout, III of All God's People Church said as it relates to scripture he feels rejecting single women is judgmental and wrong.
The Pope's views on the matter also differ from Winans.
Here's what Pope Francis thinks about Christening children who are born out of wedlock.
“'Look at this girl who had had the courage to carry her pregnancy to term. ... "What does she find? A closed door," he said, according to Vatican newspaper L’Osservatore Romano. "This is not good pastoral zeal, it distances people from the Lord and does not open doors."
He said in May that the Catholic Church should bless children born out of wedlock, because their mothers chose life over abortion.