BORN INTO SIN, TRANSFORMED INTO DESTINY: An ex-drug-abuser-turned pastor undergoes a metamorphasis that inspires a nationwide healing ministry

buzzz worthy. . .

Written with gripping transparency by Dr. Gina R. Prince, “Born Into Sin, Transformed Into Destiny” is the gritty testimony of how the author was released from a lifestyle of serial sin and self-doubt.   Her confessions will cause the down trodden to believe there must be a God somewhere. In telling her story, Dr. Prince asserts there is no problem too large for God and firmly believes that if The Master could deliver her from the depths of despair, no matter how dark the day, deliverance is available to everyone.

(BRISTOW, VA) May 14, 2014 – It is common knowledge that psychologists believe parental detachment during early childhood can leave a lifetime of psychological trauma. In the debut novel , “Born Into Sin, Transformed Into Destiny,” Dr. Gina R. Prince shares how the death of her father at an early age and the inability to connect emotionally with her mother left  her younger  self with abandonment and identity issues that laid the foundation for  an aimless search  for love.  When Prince could not find a replacement for her deceased father in family, drug addiction, sex or men, she tries God. Her Heavenly Father was waiting with open arms. 

In Chapter 5,  “Growth in the Spirit ,”  Prince says she gained  an understanding of the spirit realm and that was the beginning of her breakthrough. She uses her life story as an example of how others can recognize the spiritual implications in their behavior, find, and focus on the root of their problems. Especially pertaining to problems stemming from childhood, the book shows that without putting a mirror to your past, unresolved issues won’t heal. The key problem to emotional healing, Prince discovers, is not knowing who we really are.  The author’s analysis of “self-created competing personalities” sets the book apart from being a testimonial cliché.   

Now a Doctor of Theology, Prince experienced a full circle transformation. One of the keys to her healing was studying scripture daily and keeping a devotional journal, which inspired her to write the book.  She found that the more she fed her spirit God’s Word, the less she hungered for the fleshly desires that previously defined her.    A former contributor, Dr. Prince is dedicated to using her personal and professional know-how to help others heal from emotional hurt through ministry efforts nationwide. 

Gearing up for a busy summer schedule, on Saturday, May 17, 2014, Dr. Prince will hold a book signing at the Gospel Spreading Bookstore in Washington, DC from 12:00 noon - 2:00 p.m.