Obama serves honest humor at White House Correspondents Dinner

buzzz worthy. . .

Comedians love to make President Obama the butt of their jokes.  On Saturday he became a comedian and poked fun at himself too.  In front of an audience of reporters, Hollywood A-Listers and politicians at the 100th  Annual White House Correspondents Dinner, Obama tossed around zingers about his job performance, GOP obstruction of his agenda, race and healthcare.  After the awarding of journalism scholarships, a toast and a video clip

This one liner got the crowd laughing  as POTUS poked fun at rumor of Hilary Clinton's bid for the presidency. "Let's face the fact: you'll miss me when I'm gone.  It'll be hard to convince the American people that Hillary was born in Kenya," said President Obama at the 100th Annual White House Correspondents Dinner. 
"Orange is the new black" joke about treatment of Boehner and himself
got one of biggest laughs in ballroom.
In a surprise bit, HHS Sec Sebelius helped President fix a video, a
riff on healthcare.gov's problems.