buzzz worthy. . .
By Mona Austin
On the same night the Miami Heat blazed their way to an NBA championship ring win, a “mighty wind” rushed through downtown LA vis a
vies Andrae Crouch’s album release party. Nearly fifty friends, select media and industry folks celebrated the legend’s fortieth anniversary
and the album that was destined to be, “Mighty Wind." Crouch believes
the Verity Gospel release is the crème de la crème of his resume of over
twenty albums.
Dapperly dressed in a cream suit accentuated with gold and a complementing hat, the man of the evening strolls into a room stuffed
with applause just after 8 p.m. The admiration and respect for the gospel pioneer is justified. He is a four star General in gospel--perhaps having done more to impact modern-day church music than anyone alive today.
Jeff Grant, the label’s VP of Radio Promotions introduced the
incomparable Crouch. Concurring with a comment from Vickie Winans, he
lauded, “You know you bad when you’re in the hymnal.” (Crouch’s first
hymn, “The Blood of Jesus” was published when he was just fourteen.)
Honored as a label rep and fan to re-present one of Verity’s latest
gifts to music, he added, “That is an incredible legacy to leave here.”
Twin Sister Sandra then took the floor to salute her legendary
sibling. “You’re looking at a person who has set the standard,” she
stated. She confessed that she was always jealous of the way her brother
connected to God: “What drew me to God was watching him serve so
passionately.” Now the pair are both pastors, Andrae as the at their
deceased father’s church, Christ Memorial Church in San Fernando, CA).
Before the elevator whisked us up thirty-two floors to the chic
Windows restaurant in downtown LA, Mr. Crouch tells me he’s tired after
performing at the wake and funeral services for his beloved friend Billy
Preston on the day of and the day before. However, the next hour and a
half of testifying, jokes and devil-stomping performances seem to belie
his admission.
For anyone who is either curious or doubtful about his abilities,
after defeating cancer four times and taking a breather from recording
Andrae Crouch still sings and plays brilliantly.
The set began with Crouch doing a well-known solo from his earlier
days, “It’s Not Just A Story,” a song about the reality of Christ. The
prolific lyrics aroused his spirit as he rocked and swayed with his eyes
closed. Self accompanied, he let loose on the keys with riffs and rolls
that allowed his fingers to tell the story.
The nightclub feel of the dimly lit room overlooking the city did
not inhibit the praise of the people who were completely captivated by
four performances from “Mighty Wind” that brimmed over with sincerity
from Crouch backed by six powerful singers, including Tata Vega. He
gave liberty to his singers on “I Was Glad” and “Bless the Lord.” A
crowd pleaser, one of his male singers steered “All Because of Jesus”
which is led on the album by Marvin Winans. They topped off the evening
with the a cappella “Bless the Lord Chant.”
Leaving, room for anticipation, the group did not perform “Mighty
Wind,” which is the writer/singer/composer’s choice cut from the album.
As I departed, Cliff Uhruh who supplies the vintage Hammond organs
for Mr. Crouch’s concerts joined me on the elevator. “Wasn’t that
incredible?” he asked. He carried a stack of six “Mighty Wind” CDs that
he’d just purchased as gifts to friends. “You know, I’ve had the
privilege of seeing him perform before six people and before thousands
and he’s always the same.” And that’s the best thing about the new
album—it’s quintessential Crouch.
Drama with the musical arranger delayed the album for over a year.
A man who Crouch kept nameless, disappeared with the songs never to be
reached again. Crouch eventually moved on to work with others. The
album was produced by Crouch and well-known gospel producer Luther
“Mano” Hanes yielding a wondrous recording filled with mostly songs
reflective of Crouch’s timeless style. Crouch has re-made the classic
“Jesus Is Lord” with a Latin treatment and Karen Clark Sheard on lead
However, he has penned several new songs and features other
favorite guest artists on most of the fourteen tracks. There Fred
Hammond does “O Give Thanks” representing the freshest in terms of
style. “We Give You Glory” sang by Crystal Lewis has a definite
classical Crouch feel. is something for his old and new fans on this
one. Check out the full “Mighty Wind” Track Listing with guest lead
1. I Was Glad – Andrae Crouch and Tata Vega
2. I Was Glad - (Reprise
3. All Because Of Jesus – Marvin Winans
4. All Because Of Jesus - (Reprise)
5. Jesus Is Lord – Karen Clark Sheard
6. Bless The Lord
7. Bless The Lord - (Chant)
8. O Give Thanks – Fred Hammond
9. We Give You Glory – Crystal Lewis
10. Come Home – Marcus Cole
11. Holy – Andrae Crouch and Lawrence Beamon
12. Thank You For Everything - Daniel Johnson and Ingrid Rosario
13. Yes Lord – Lauren Evans
14. Mighty Wind – Andrae Crouch, Tachina Danielle and Howard Smith
First published on July 3, 2006 in EURWEB.COM
By Mona Austin
WRITER'S NOTE: Sandra Crouch, the twin sister of Pastor Andrae Crouch has shared that her brother is at home recovering from a recent hospital stay. Th reason eh was hospitalized was not disclosed. Crouch, a well renowned gospel artist, has struggled with his health over the years, having overcome cancer four times. Ms. Crouch is asking that supporters send words of encouragement to Pastor Crouch, a living gospel legend.
I have had the honor of exclusively interviewing Pastor Crouch twice. As it is Black Music Month, I am re-running a review of the album release party where I first met the icon in 2006. At the time, I thought the album "Mighty Wind" was his most significant collective work because of the many people who took part in it having been influenced. However, he returned with "Journey" and crated another church classic, :Let the Church Say Amen." Crouch has written numerous hymns and led people to Christ all over the world. It is only right that we give him his "flowers" while he can smell them:
I have had the honor of exclusively interviewing Pastor Crouch twice. As it is Black Music Month, I am re-running a review of the album release party where I first met the icon in 2006. At the time, I thought the album "Mighty Wind" was his most significant collective work because of the many people who took part in it having been influenced. However, he returned with "Journey" and crated another church classic, :Let the Church Say Amen." Crouch has written numerous hymns and led people to Christ all over the world. It is only right that we give him his "flowers" while he can smell them:

vies Andrae Crouch’s album release party. Nearly fifty friends, select media and industry folks celebrated the legend’s fortieth anniversary
and the album that was destined to be, “Mighty Wind." Crouch believes
the Verity Gospel release is the crème de la crème of his resume of over
twenty albums.
Dapperly dressed in a cream suit accentuated with gold and a complementing hat, the man of the evening strolls into a room stuffed
with applause just after 8 p.m. The admiration and respect for the gospel pioneer is justified. He is a four star General in gospel--perhaps having done more to impact modern-day church music than anyone alive today.
Jeff Grant, the label’s VP of Radio Promotions introduced the
incomparable Crouch. Concurring with a comment from Vickie Winans, he
lauded, “You know you bad when you’re in the hymnal.” (Crouch’s first
hymn, “The Blood of Jesus” was published when he was just fourteen.)
Honored as a label rep and fan to re-present one of Verity’s latest
gifts to music, he added, “That is an incredible legacy to leave here.”
Twin Sister Sandra then took the floor to salute her legendary
sibling. “You’re looking at a person who has set the standard,” she
stated. She confessed that she was always jealous of the way her brother
connected to God: “What drew me to God was watching him serve so
passionately.” Now the pair are both pastors, Andrae as the at their
deceased father’s church, Christ Memorial Church in San Fernando, CA).
Before the elevator whisked us up thirty-two floors to the chic
Windows restaurant in downtown LA, Mr. Crouch tells me he’s tired after
performing at the wake and funeral services for his beloved friend Billy
Preston on the day of and the day before. However, the next hour and a
half of testifying, jokes and devil-stomping performances seem to belie
his admission.
For anyone who is either curious or doubtful about his abilities,
after defeating cancer four times and taking a breather from recording
Andrae Crouch still sings and plays brilliantly.
The set began with Crouch doing a well-known solo from his earlier
days, “It’s Not Just A Story,” a song about the reality of Christ. The
prolific lyrics aroused his spirit as he rocked and swayed with his eyes
closed. Self accompanied, he let loose on the keys with riffs and rolls
that allowed his fingers to tell the story.
The nightclub feel of the dimly lit room overlooking the city did
not inhibit the praise of the people who were completely captivated by
four performances from “Mighty Wind” that brimmed over with sincerity
from Crouch backed by six powerful singers, including Tata Vega. He
gave liberty to his singers on “I Was Glad” and “Bless the Lord.” A
crowd pleaser, one of his male singers steered “All Because of Jesus”
which is led on the album by Marvin Winans. They topped off the evening
with the a cappella “Bless the Lord Chant.”
Leaving, room for anticipation, the group did not perform “Mighty
Wind,” which is the writer/singer/composer’s choice cut from the album.
As I departed, Cliff Uhruh who supplies the vintage Hammond organs
for Mr. Crouch’s concerts joined me on the elevator. “Wasn’t that
incredible?” he asked. He carried a stack of six “Mighty Wind” CDs that
he’d just purchased as gifts to friends. “You know, I’ve had the
privilege of seeing him perform before six people and before thousands
and he’s always the same.” And that’s the best thing about the new
album—it’s quintessential Crouch.
Drama with the musical arranger delayed the album for over a year.
A man who Crouch kept nameless, disappeared with the songs never to be
reached again. Crouch eventually moved on to work with others. The
album was produced by Crouch and well-known gospel producer Luther
“Mano” Hanes yielding a wondrous recording filled with mostly songs
reflective of Crouch’s timeless style. Crouch has re-made the classic
“Jesus Is Lord” with a Latin treatment and Karen Clark Sheard on lead
However, he has penned several new songs and features other
favorite guest artists on most of the fourteen tracks. There Fred
Hammond does “O Give Thanks” representing the freshest in terms of
style. “We Give You Glory” sang by Crystal Lewis has a definite
classical Crouch feel. is something for his old and new fans on this
one. Check out the full “Mighty Wind” Track Listing with guest lead
1. I Was Glad – Andrae Crouch and Tata Vega
2. I Was Glad - (Reprise
3. All Because Of Jesus – Marvin Winans
4. All Because Of Jesus - (Reprise)
5. Jesus Is Lord – Karen Clark Sheard
6. Bless The Lord
7. Bless The Lord - (Chant)
8. O Give Thanks – Fred Hammond
9. We Give You Glory – Crystal Lewis
10. Come Home – Marcus Cole
11. Holy – Andrae Crouch and Lawrence Beamon
12. Thank You For Everything - Daniel Johnson and Ingrid Rosario
13. Yes Lord – Lauren Evans
14. Mighty Wind – Andrae Crouch, Tachina Danielle and Howard Smith
First published on July 3, 2006 in EURWEB.COM