Donnie McClurkin and Andrea McClurkin Mellini mourn the loss of their sister, Cheryl McClurkin

buzzz worthy. . .

June 8, 1962 – March 3, 2015

Los Angeles, CA (March 3, 2015) -   The McClurkin Family gathered together today to say farewell to sibling, Cheryl “Cheri” McClurkin who died from complications  of a massive coronary heart attack at 4pm/EST today.
Cheri was a mother of five and grandmother of nine.

She sang and recorded with The McClurkin Family over the years.  However, she is best known as a playwright who recently penned her life story in the form of a riveting play entitled, ‘”A Cry for Help” that was produced by her own company, Chronic Productions. The family will ensure that this play lives on in her honor.
The McClurkin Family requests  prayers and privacy at this time.  

All cards and condolences can be forwarded to Perfecting Faith Church, 311 N. Main , Freeport, NY 11520.  Details for service arrangements will be forthcoming.