Dr. Beverly “BAM” Crawford and The Company International Host Day of Empowerment and Mentoring

buzzz worthy. . .

Los Angeles, CA -- Dr. Beverly "Bam" Crawford and The Company International will host “Pearl of Great Price” Day of Empowerment and Mentoring on Saturday, March 28, 2014 at the Marriott in Marina Del Rey from 9 AM - 3 PM.

The Company International is an organization that connects and supports women of all ages, cultures and backgrounds looking for new ways to balance life, develop successful strategies and have more fulfilling relationships. This year’s theme is, “Pearl of Great Price”. Attendees will gain inspiration through various participation levels of leadership, community partnerships, and information to restore and strengthen their dreams and goals.  

Dr. Crawford and her empowerment team consists of notables from various industries such as: World renown worship leader, Minister Jackie Gouche; Community activist and author, Makresha M. Reneau; Celebrity Fitness Trainer, Angela Davis; Pastor Marguerite Reeves; Co-host and artist, Gabrianna Crawford; Nutritionist, Jayme Hirashiki; Mental health advocate and integrated health and medicine, Dr. Lynn Goodloe;  Author and Pastor, Diane Gardner; Domestic violence counselor and advocate, Kathy Westfield and many more powerful women.

The Company has shown forth the hand of God in touching every area women encounter with tender-loving, care. The countless testimonies from past attendees have proven its vitality in identifying and providing real help for life’s issues.  This will be a concentrated day of empowerment, mentoring, relaxation, fun, entertainment and flourishing together.

Registration, vendor opportunities and conference details along with a special video presentation can be found at www.thecompanyinternational.org.