Hillary Clinton announces presidential bid via video

buzzz worthy. . .#Hillary2016

As expected, Hillary Clinton officially announced today she is running for president again.  I awaited the news by watching  her social media sites, anticipating she might follow the trend of her current opponents (Ted Cruz and Rand Paul) with a Tweet.  Instead,  the former New York Senator, First Lady and Secretary of State released a bid via a video posted to her website.  The presidential bid comes amid controversy about Clinton's use of personal email while serving as Secretary of State.

The video shows several people from various races and walks of life stating their future plans.  At the end of the 2 minute 18 second campaign promo Clinton appears expressing she is running for president.   "I'm getting ready to do something too—I'm running for president," she announced. The message, which directly appeals to American families, is also a glimpse into her platform.

"Every day Americans need a champion and I want to be that champion. . .Because when families are strong, America is strong," she says. The ad cleverly answers, who she will be fighting for as opposed to what she'll fight for (i.e., women, young families, retirees, business owners).    For more information go to www.hillaryclinton.com