Thankful Anyhow

buzzz worthy. . .

The choices we make define the quality of our life's journey. I woke up Thanksgiving morning fully aware that someone else didn't. That someone woke up in a cold hospital bed. For life itself, I am truly grateful. Life may not be perfect, but it is sacred. I have chosen to have an attitude of gratitude and  learned to thank God anyhow, regardless of life's circumstances.

There truly is always something for which to be thankful. Instead of bemoaning individuals who are no longer in my life, I thank God for those who cared enough to stay. 

 During the holidays people also tend to focus on what they lack. It is normal to pay more attention to material things as commercials and billboard messages scream we need more of or the latest of something. Sometimes it's hard to ignore sales and offers and quell the desire for more STUFF even if you don't need it. I thank God for what I do have instead of what I don't. America is the land of plenty. When you really think about it, in comparison to many other countries many of us would be considered materially wealthy. For being a citizen that remains one of the most prosperous on Earth, I am thankful.

Feeding the homeless, elderly and lonely on Thanksgiving at our church helped me keep in perspective how special spending time with others can be and how we should place value on human interaction. 

I also value the awesome memories my little family and I share, despite not having immediate family in the area to spend time with on holidays. At this year's Thanksgiving dinner we started a new tradition.  We played  charades-like game Headz Up. I laughed soooooooo hard I almost cried. For laughter, I am  thankful.

 Learning to acknowledge loss (so that the pain and disappointment won't fester and become your "clothes,"  that is to say don't wear your pain), but celebrate gains (no matter how small) and constantly choosing to focus on self-improvement (which is not easy) has allowed me to maintain a sense of joy and peace of mind. God regularly sends me gentle reminders that he is always watching over me and mine. For that, I am eternally thankful.

I am "thankful anyhow" because I am content where I am.

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