LOOKING BACK: The first inauguration of President Barack Obama

buzzz worthy. . .

Seven years ago today the history and trajectory of American politics changed forever with the inauguration of President Barack Obama​.  People from all walks of life packed the National Mall on that blisteringly cold 20th day of January in 2009 to serve as eyewitness to what many thought was impossible.  Obama, the son of a White mother and African father officially became the leader of the free world a day after the national celebration of slain Civil Rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King's birthday, symbolizing the fulfillment of Dr. King's dream for racial justice.

After taking a victory stroll down Pennsylania Ave. With his wife Michelle, Obama laid his hand on the loaner Bible from the family of  MLK Bible which the First Lady held and pledged to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."  In pursuit of this obligation, opposition to his authority has grayed the very hairs on Obama's head. "In the words of  scripture," observed Obama during his first formal address to the nation, "The time has come to set aside childish things.  The time has come to reaffirm our enduring spirit." He spoke of his vision for economic growth and racial equality, which are both areas that required attention under his watch. 

Faith leaders had gathered at a prayer service to invite God's covering over the new leader and his administration.  Bishop Charles E. Blake prayed for two terms, understanding that four years later he did it again the American people gave him a second opportunity to finish the work he started and he was re-elected.  

Coming full circle, in his final State of the Union Address, the president said he had hoped the partisan rancor would cease, but the division had only worsened under his watch. Racism worsened under his watch too.  Repairing the discrimination n the justice system became apriority in the final stretch of his stay in office.  The work of the first Black POTUS, who was often criticized for not doing enough for Black people and given a pass by others who were simply pleased to have him in office, is nearly done.