Sarah Palin endorses Trump

buzzz worthy. . .

By Mona Austin 

The chance of seeing less of Donald Trump in the media dropped this week with the announcement of a huge supporter. Former Alaska governor Sarah Palin and GOP Vice President pick endorsed the billionaire businessman for president in Iowa on Tuesday. She immediately latched on to some of the sentiments that Trump has expressed to appeal to Americans frustrated with liberal sensitivities.  Palin stated she agrees with Trump that Americans' anger is justifiable and being PC has gone too far.  Her conservative stamp  of approval may be just what Trump, a former Democrat needs to silence charges he's a flip flopper.  Trump said on Wednesday morning on NBC News that he would not rule out having Palin as a potential running mate. A Trump/Palin ticket would attract women and more mainline Republicans.

New York papers, The Post and The Daily News must have had a field day  coming up with their clever headlines.  The front page of The Daily News pictured Trump and Palin in an older photo pointing at each other with the headline, "I'm With Stupid."  The New York Post used the photo from the Iowa campaign event with the headline "Lady and the Trump."

Their partnership has already become a spectacle and gotten somewhat messy.

The backing comes as GOP contender Ted Cruz and  Trump are in a dead heat in Iowa just two weeks before the Iowa Caucus. In Trump's statement about the endorsement he stated Palin knows how to select a winner, an undercutting reference to Palin not endorsing his opponent, Cruz as expected.   The Texas Senator took the high road saying he is still a big Palin fan since she supported him in his 2012 senatorial race. 

As Iowa is a highly coveted swing state, the support of Palin could help Trump win more women voters and non-traditional Conservatives there.