buzzz worthy. . .
Scholastic Book publishers has pulled "A Birthday Cake for George Washington" a story about the slave of the first US president making his birthday cake. Critics say the book "sensationalizes" slavery. On Sunday in a statement, the publisher said . . ."we believe that, without more historical background on the evils of slavery than this book for younger children can provide, the book may give a false impression of the reality of the lives of slaves and therefore should be withdrawn." The book will be pulled off shelves and copies that were already purchased may be returned.

Scholastic Book publishers has pulled "A Birthday Cake for George Washington" a story about the slave of the first US president making his birthday cake. Critics say the book "sensationalizes" slavery. On Sunday in a statement, the publisher said . . ."we believe that, without more historical background on the evils of slavery than this book for younger children can provide, the book may give a false impression of the reality of the lives of slaves and therefore should be withdrawn." The book will be pulled off shelves and copies that were already purchased may be returned.
New statement about the picture book "A Birthday Cake for George Washington"

Released January 17, 2016: Scholastic is announcing today that we are stopping the distribution of the book entitled A Birthday Cake for George Washington, by Ramin Ganeshram and illustrated by Vanessa Brantley-Newton, and will accept all returns. While we have great respect for the integrity and scholarship of the author, illustrator, and editor, we believe that, without more historical background on the evils of slavery than this book for younger children can provide, the book may give a false impression of the reality of the lives of slaves and therefore should be withdrawn.
Scholastic has a long history of explaining complex and controversial issues to children at all ages and grade levels. We do not believe this title meets the standards of appropriate presentation of information to younger children, despite the positive intentions and beliefs of the author, editor, and illustrator.
Scholastic provides a wide variety of fiction and informational books and magazines which teachers, parents and children rely on, including many devoted to African American experience, history and culture. We are also committed to providing books, magazines, and educational materials that portray the experience of all children, including those from diverse communities and backgrounds, and we will continue to expand that commitment through our global publishing channels.