buzzz worthy. . .
Los Angeles, CA | April 2016 - Bishop T.D. Jakes, Pastor of The Potter’s House of Dallas, best-selling author, and filmmaker is excited to announce the partnership between, his label DEXTERITY SOUNDS and DREAM LABEL GROUP / DREAM Gospel.
"Music is a wonderful way to bridge the gaps that exist in our society." - Bishop T.D. Jakes
"The mission of DREAM LABEL GROUP is to reach lives through committed, passionate and faithful Music Missionaries." - David Hanley, founder of DREAM LABEL GROUP
The first project under the new partnership will be the single “Jesus Did It” from the artist GRACE. "GRACE" from the Greek, "charis" meaning “to rejoice" is the name bestowed upon a newly formed group of five anointed psalmists widely witnessed on Sunday mornings amongst the highly acclaimed Potter’s House of Dallas choir. Psalmists Candy West, DeeDee Yancey, April Nevels, Ruby Cavazos and Shana Delossantos, each collectively have been signed by the mega ministry leader’s DEXTERITY SOUNDS and DREAM LABEL GROUP/ DREAM Gospel.
The “Jesus Did It” single will be available to download world wide April 22nd along with it’s debut during Bishop T.D. Jakes’ International Pastor and Leaders Conference in Orlando, Florida estimating over 10,000 pastors and leaders in attendance.