VIDEO: President Obama jabs at Trump in Rutgers Speech, Trump tweets response

buzzz worthy. . .

President Obama had some choice words for Donald Trump at the Rutgers commencement ceremony.  He did not mention the presumptive GOP presidential candidate's name directly. However, since Trump has made isolationist comments and statements that aim to divide the U.S. from Muslims and Mexicans. it is clear Obama's comments aimed to address his positions. The former law professor used the foibles of the current election to teach the students about the importance of knowledge, ethics and downright decency.

"It's not cool to not know what you're talking about."
"That's not challenging political correctness," Obama said.
"There are a whole lot of folks who are book smart but have no common sense," he said. He went on to critic
Trump apparently knew he was being called out.  The salty presidential hopeful fired back with a tweet stating pointing out a quote that was clearly aimed at him, "In politics, and in life, ignorance is not a virtue." This is a primary reason that President Obama is the worst president in U.S. history!"

Obama urged the students to counteract the rhetoric of the 2016 presidential campaign by voting and becoming politically active.