IT'S OFFICIAL: Trump picks Indiana governor Mike Pence as running mate

buzzz worthy. . .#pence #trumprunningmate #MikePence

By Mona Austin

Lay the rumors to rest: Donald Trump confirmed in a tweet that he has selected Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, a social conservative as his running mate. The news coming in the form of a tweet and against the backdrop of international unrest was anti-climactic, lacking the usual ceremonial formality that comes along with such news. 

The veep pick replied via a tweet saying he is "honored to join" the presumptive GOP candidate in making America great again.

Just days ahead of the RNC Convention in Cleveland, Trump initially postponed the announcement of his VP pick due to the #NiceAttack, which he also stated in a tweeted. However, the selection was apparently leaked before Trump's confirmation. The Indiana Star newspaper and MSNBC News both reported Pence would join Trump on the ticket to the White House. Former House speaker Newt Gingrich was also a finalist for the job, but pundits say his positions did not offer enough contrast to Trump's. Trump said last week that Gingrich would have a role in the government if he is elected.  

Pence, an Evangelical Christian, represents the void traditional Conservatives were missing in the candidate selection pool. Described as a lifelong Hoosier, Pence is a controversial figure in his own right. He stands for the religious liberties and family values that have not been a prevalent part of the political narrative this election cycle. The former congressman, who unlike Gingrich is unknown nationally, came under fire for signing the Religious Restoration Act that said businesses had a right to refuse customers based on their sexual orientation, but later pivoted from that position. Pence and Trump do have pointed policy differences, such as on immigration. For example, he does not agree with building a wall along the Mexico border or banning Muslims from the U.S.  

In an interview on Thursday evening Trump said he had not made a "final, final decision." Today's announcement may have been accelerated to give Pence a chance to inform his constituents of his intent to run for governor. Pence only had until noon today to submit his name on the Indiana ballot Trump said a news conference will be held tomorrow at 11 A.M.