Police shooting of Philando Castile recorded live on FB

buzzz worthy. . .#philandocastile

By Mona Austin

Philando Castile's death was captured in a live FB video Wednesday night. Diamond "Lavish" Reynolds, his girlfriend recorded the police involved shooting while  her 4-year-old daughter sat in the backseat of the car.

The aftermath of an officer shooting Philando Castile' following a traffic stop on July 6, 2017.

Castile was pulled over in a traffic stop for a busted tail light. When reaching for his identification and registration, he  told the police officer he had a license to carry a weapon, which was in the vehicle. Without hesitation or warning, as he was reaching for the requested documents, four shots were fired into his arm. "Please tell me he is not dead," Reynolds pleads. Castile later died at an area hospital.

Castile was a beloved cafeteria worker at a local school.

In the aftermath of the execution, which happened near the city of St. Paul, the officer

Guns pointed, officers ordered Reynolds to get into the cop car.  She  was detained in a local jail and released in the early morning hours she later stated to press. Her baby girl witnessed the entire ordeal and was transported to jail with her.

Reynolds gave an emotional account of what happened, calling the incident outright "murder."

The 32-year-old Minnesota man is yet another victim of a police encounter gone terribly wrong.. His execution comes a day after Alton Sterling was shot by a Baton Rouge police.  Another day, another bullet, another dead Black person, another hashtag  bemoaning the loss of  Black life created. It is a pathological trend that Black America desperately wants to stop.

In an exclusive interview with CNN Castile's mother stated authorities didnot allow her see her son.