Virginia, the Democratic party is releasing the 'Donald Ducks' on Donald Trump today

buzzz worthy. . .

First naked Trump statues that were created by a former Trmp supporter invade the U.S., now this. . .

In response to Donald Trump’s constant ducking on his taxes, Democrats are unveiling Donald Ducks.

TODAY, August 20 at 2:30 PM
Outside of Trump’s rally at Fredericksburg Expo Center
2371 Carl D Silver Pkwy, Fredericksburg, VA

Ducking has been Trump’s preferred response to the bi-partisan requests for him to release his tax returns to the American people.

Releasing his tax returns? Donald ducks.
Questions about his charitable giving? Donald ducks.
Want to know his tax rate? Donald ducks.
Inquiries about foreign investments that could compromise national security? Donald ducks.

Donald Trump is the only major party nominee in the last 40 years to duck releasing his tax returns. So our friend Donald Ducks will be following the Republican standard-bearer – and his running mate – around the country until he does. 

(Source: The Democratic Party of Virginia)