buzzz worthy. . .
First dates require a lot of attention — are you making a good first impression, how are you coming across, how are they coming across, and more? Unfortunately it doesn’t take much to take a good first date and have it go bad. The good news is most common first date mistakes are quite avoidable once you know what they are. Below Justin Lavelle of PeopleLooker shares his top first date mistakes:
First dates require a lot of attention — are you making a good first impression, how are you coming across, how are they coming across, and more? Unfortunately it doesn’t take much to take a good first date and have it go bad. The good news is most common first date mistakes are quite avoidable once you know what they are. Below Justin Lavelle of PeopleLooker shares his top first date mistakes:
- First Impressions. Let’s face it, first impressions are everything. Bad breath, uncombed hair and stained clothing don’t usually go over well on a first date. Dress to impress, meaning look like you care about yourself and have respect for the date. Don't look like you just came from your yoga workout or spin class. A first date is also not the time to experiment with a new, edgy trend. It’s more important to feel comfortable which means wearing clothes that suit your personal style and make you feel good about yourself.
- Always Choose a Public Place for a First Date. Keep it relatively low stakes like a coffee meeting as opposed to an expensive dinner or a trip to a museum. Ensure you have your own transportation to and from the date and make sure at least one friend knows where you will be.
- Discussing The Future. This might possibly be the worst offense of any first date. Even thou you think that this is “the one” these types of conversations need to be saved for a more serious relationship. There's being honest about your feelings, and then there's being a little too aggressive.
- Who Pays The Bill? I believe that the person who initiates the date should pay the bill. If this happens to be the male, he should take care of it right away before his date starts to feel uncomfortable. That being said, even if he insists on paying, offering to split the check is a really polite gesture and something he'll appreciate.
- Mentioning An Ex. This is a no-no on a first date. Mentioning a past love can only lead to an uncomfortable situation for everyone involved. Just don’t do it.
- Keep Your Eyes on Your Date. This might seem like common sense to many people, but while you’re on a date in a place with lots of people, resist the urge to look around. One of the biggest first-date turnoffs is when the other party is checking others out.
- Don’t Be Late. It’s a bad first impression and leaves the other person annoyed. If running late is unavoidable, send a text or call the person and let them know what’s going on. When you arrive, apologize.
- Use Your Manners. Don’t forget your manners at home on your first date. Nothing says “I’m entitled and obnoxiousness” more than bad manners. If the restaurant or service is unacceptable, discuss it with your date but best not to act out or say something on a first date. As well, mind your own personal manners and limit your drinks to one or two.
- Keep the Conversation Flowing. It’s important to ask questions — it shows you’re interested in learning more about the person and conveys engagement. If you do not ask your date questions, they will assume you’re not interested in them and will promptly lose interest in you. Avoid yes or no questions and try open-ended questions, consider questions and topics to discuss ahead of time and don’t dominate the conversation.
- Stay Focused on Your Date. Resist the urge to check your phone or watch during the date. It makes you come across as distracted and uninterested in the person. If you must check your phone, excuse yourself to the restroom and do it there.
- Avoid the Temptation to bring a First Date Home. Regardless of how well it is going--let the excitement build and avoid any regrets the next morning. On that same note, the worst place for a first date is either you or your date's home. SOURCE: Justin Lavelle