Televangelism pioneer Rev. Billy Graham, the force behind millions becoming Christians globally has died.
Graham, 99, passed away on the morning of Feb. 21 at his home in Montreat, NC.
The world has lost the man who was the template for a General in God's Army, Rev. Billy Graham. The renowned preacher was characterized by a straight forward, passionate approach to the gospel that spoke of the power of Jesus Christ, repentance from sin and eternal life that drew massive crowds wherever he went globally, as opposed to the seeker friendly approach that has become normalized in the modern era of the American church. According to documented records and vidoes, Mr. Graham preached in 185 countries.He was one of the first ministers to deliver the gospel via radio and television. His archived sermons air on TBN currently.
At a time where controversy has followed many church leaders, one of North Carolina's favorite sons departed the earth a scandal-free man.
While a specific cause of death has not been released, Graham had battled various illnesses such as cancer and pneumonia later in life.
The legacy of evangelism that the man known as a confidant to Presidents from Eisenhower to Bush will continue through his children, Rev. Franklin Graham and Rev. Anne Graham Lotz and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association.
Mr. Graham, 99 would have turned 100 years old on Nov. 7 of this year.
Graham, 99, passed away on the morning of Feb. 21 at his home in Montreat, NC.

An agent for racial reconciliation, per the advice of his friend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Graham held integrated meetings during the Civil Rights period, demonstrating his belief that Christ belonged to everyone. Under his voice people of all races either established a relationship with Christ, converted to Christianity or rededicated their lives to Christ.
Many years ago at one of the numerous crusades he led over the 60 years he was an active televangelist Graham spoke a warning that could apply to current world leaders, "You that are leaders of the world that do not give God the Glory and do not put your total trust in God and think that you can solve the problems yourself . . .you're going to come down and the scripture is very clear about it." He continued with scriptural proof, "'Jesus said whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased.'" (Matthew 23:12) In the same message he declared his undying commitment to the Lord, "I dont put my trust in Washington, the United Nations, myself, money. I put my trust in the Lord Jesus Christ."
According to CBN, Billy Graham preached the uncompromised gospel to over 2 billion people in his lifetime. He held crusades in 185 countries.
While a specific cause of death has not been released, Graham had battled various illnesses such as cancer and pneumonia later in life.
The legacy of evangelism that the man known as a confidant to Presidents from Eisenhower to Bush will continue through his children, Rev. Franklin Graham and Rev. Anne Graham Lotz and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association.
Mr. Graham, 99 would have turned 100 years old on Nov. 7 of this year.