Trump deploys National Guard to the U.S. Mexico border to stop migrant caravan from crossing

The border Trump promised to build will be replaced with bodies, i.e., manpower. Today, members of the National Guard are headed to the U.S./Mexico border to block the entry of illegal immigrants.

This action is Pres. Donald Trump's response to a Caravan of migrants primarily from Central America coming through Mexico. Many of them are women and children trying to escape poverty and violence. They travel by train, on buses and on foot with few possessions. Texas and Arizona started sending more troops to block their entry last week and there will be approximately 4,000 doing a variety of tasks such as ground and air surveillance and clerical work.

This so called "caravan" is an organized annual pilgrimage that has been taking place since 2010. Some of the immigrants stay in northern Mexico while others seek asylum in the U.S. According to AP, in a statement issued late Monday [April 2], Mexico’s government said about 400 participants in the caravan had already been sent back to their home countries. “Under no circumstances does the Mexican government promote irregular migration,” the Interior Ministry statement said.

It noted that Mexico considers the annual caravans to be “a public demonstration that seeks to call attention to the migration phenomenon and the importance of respecting the rights of Central Americans.” The U.S. government has been kept fully informed of the situation, it said.