By Mona Austin
Reason #2372 not to openly share your struggles with people: they alone can not solve your problem. They can worry, speculate, gossip, make assumptions OR intercede for you by praying fervently to God, who has the answer to all problems. Many choose to forego the latter and come to their own conclusions about your situation, so why not go directly to the source and cast your cares on Him, for scripture teaches, HE cares for you? When people make assumptions about your situation, the purity of prayer is contaminated by fleshly thoughts and imaginings. God wants members of the household of faith to pray for one another sincerely and selflessly. In a sincere prayer victory is the expected result. Scripture instructs in James 5:16 – “Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much."
There is nothing wrong with requesting prayer, but people are proving to me more and more that it is best to go directly to the source for yourself or only request prayer on a personal level vs. in a social media forum such as Facebook while using discernment. We must use discernment and HOLY WISDOM and KNOWLEDGE when divulging the details of our struggles. Some people simply don't know how to pray, some ineffectively mix faith and fear, while others simply pray through their emotions. You do not have to be "good at it" to get a prayer through. All you need is a sincere heart when you call upon God's name for someone else. The fact is, fellow Christians, we all need sincere prayer and encouragement.
There are times when some of us need prayerful support more than others. Being there for one another through prayer is an expression of unity in the Body of Christ. We all have a responsibility to pray for one another. We do not have to wait for a church elder, pastor or person in church leadership to pray for us. We must all adhere to the instruction in Galatians 6:2 and “Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ." May GOD BLESS the TRUE INTERCESSOR who does not require details, but cares enough to raise a prayer before the throne of grace for someone else. I do not take it lightly when others pray for me and wish to take a moment to sincerely thank those of you who care enough to stand in the gap for me. The God of Heaven and Earth takes notice of your obedience. I often pray for others without invitation or provocation because I believe in the POWER of prayer. I have seen the fruit of it including miracles. Therefore, I hope continuously in the God of our salvation.