President Donald J. Trump Is Reforming the Federal Government, Making it More Efficient, Effective, and Accountable

Previous presidents of the United States have fallen in line with the system of government at play when they assumed the role.  Pres. Donald Trump the exception with plans to transform the federal government.  He has terminated individuals in key federal positions and many key federal jobs have been vacant during his entire time in office.  On Thursday, the White House released a summary of the areas that the administration feels requires improvement.

“Billions and billions of dollars are being wasted on activities that are not delivering results for hardworking American taxpayers.” – President Donald J. Trump

REORGANIZING GOVERNMENT: President Donald J. Trump’s reform and reorganization plan will make the Federal Government more responsive and accountable to the American people.

  • Last year, President Trump signed an Executive Order directing the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to work on a comprehensive plan to reorganize the Executive Branch.
  • After a year of planning how to make the Federal Government more efficient, effective, and accountable – which included input from stakeholders, agencies, and the public – key reform proposals were developed, such as:
    • Consolidating food safety functions into a single agency, addressing the current fragmented Federal oversight of food safety.
    • Merging the Departments of Education and Labor into a single Cabinet agency to better meet the needs of American workers and students.
    • Consolidating economic assistance resources to a new Bureau of Economic Growth within the Department of Commerce to increase economic growth nationwide.
  • This plan will serve as a cornerstone for a productive, bipartisan dialogue around making the Federal Government work for the 21st century.
  • Instead of a “one size fits all” approach to reform, the Trump Administration’s plan to reorganize the Government proposes solutions tailored to each agency’s mission.


MANDATE FOR CHANGE: President Trump recognizes that today’s Executive Branch is not equipped to meet Americans’ 21st century needs.


  • The President’s Management Agenda released in March 2018 provided context for what needs to change in Government, including a renewed focus on mission, service, and stewardship.
  • Today’s Federal Government lacks the organization and technology to provide the convenient and efficient services that Americans have come to expect in the 21st century. For example:
    • Job seekers have to navigate more than 40 workforce development programs across 15 Federal agencies.
    • Small businesses face overlapping, bureaucratic certification processes and complicated paperwork challenges when they try to work with the Government.
    • Poultry companies have to deal with multiple Government offices and loads of paperwork because chickens and eggs are regulated by different agencies.
  • Digitization is a must. Each year, the Federal Government creates millions of new paper documents that take too long to process and often must be physically stored.
  • Reorganization will help agencies maintain efficiency and effectiveness over time.


MAKING AN IMPACT: President Trump’s reform efforts follow a number of actions already taken to improve and streamline the Federal Government.


  • In May 2018, the President issued three Executive Orders aimed at reforming the civil service to work for the American people and making Federal operations more efficient.
  • President Trump signed legislation to bring more accountability to the Department of Veterans Affairs and provide our veterans with more choice in the care they receive.
  • The Administration has reduced the footprint of the Federal Government.
  • Agencies are repealing a historic number of regulations and streamlining requirements.

SOURCE: White House