From the Rasmussen poll. . .
Even with the knowledge that Russians were able to hack into U.S. computers the Amerian people still have faith in the U.S. intelligence organizations. And, President Donald Trump's approval rating among Republicans is high according to a new Rasmussen poll released on Monday.
Despite widespread bipartisan condemnation over Trump initially denying the veracity of U.S. intelligence reports of Russia meddling with emails during the 2016 presidential election at the Helsinki summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin last Monday, voters still think U.S intelligence agencies are doing a good job. (But, 45% of voters think U.S. intelligence agencies have their own political agenda.)
The GOP remains overwhelmingly supportive of the president following what some have dubbed the president's worse week ever. Trump blundered in Helsinki at the top of the week, apologized and walked back his apology by hump day and by the end of the week and said he invited the Russian adversary to the White House. News broke that the feds had several tapes of Trump and his ex-attorney Robert Cohen discussing payment arrangements for playboywhich Trump had previously denied. All of this negative press seemed to bounce off the ears of Republican voters who consist largely of White Evangelicals. remains his most loyal constiuents at 77%
Rasmussen reports that post-Putin, "most Republicans think Trump is more aggressive with Russia than his predecessors and a majority of all voters continue to agree with Trump that Russia is an asset." However, both Ambassor Nikki Haley and Sec. of State Mike Pompeo insist that the president knows Russia is a threat and the U.S. will never have a relationship with the former communist nation. it was foolih to believe could lead and
Ultimately, this means Trump has a secure enough base to be re-electible.
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani on Sunday warned Trump that war with Iran would be “the mother of all wars,” with Trump firing back in a tweet that Iran should, “NEVER, EVER THREATEN THE UNITED STATES AGAIN.” Trump withdrew from the Iran Nuclear Deal in May.
In times of turmoil and war the American people do not tend to elect a new president. Many political talking heads theorize that Trump's erattic exchange with world leaders like Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is a ploy to start a war so he can stay in office a second term.