Woodbridge receives third threat in one week + statement from PWC police

buzzz worthy. . .

Woodbridge Senior High School in Woodbridge VA   notified parents of a another threat of violence against the Prince William County school last Tuesday -- the third threat in a week.  The automated call came in at around 4:50 p.m.. A woman's voice announced the school received another threat indicating there would be violence on a "date in the near future."

Last week it was reported a message appearing on a school bathroom wall indicated there would be a shooting there within a date range that corresponded to the return to school after Winter break. Allegedly, it is supectd that the thrats re an attempt by students to get out of class.

By Thursday of that week there was a second threat referencing a specific date range that authorities also  deemed "non-credible."

Newly appointed Principal Heather Ashby attempted to quell the concerns of parents, as attendance at Woodbridge dwindles. In a reassuring phone message she said the school does not take the threat lightly, but enoucraged not to fold to fear.

The school and local authorities are working closely together to get to the bottom of the threats and assured the community they take the threats seriously and there will be serious repercussions.  There is an increased presence of police on the campus and students have been advised on safety strategies.

Within in a week, copy-cat graffit threats were reported at Garfield and Forest Park High Schools in the same county.

There have been additional unrelated bomb threats at schools throughout the region.

Glenkirk Elementary School, in Prince William County, Virginia, and Ferry Farm Elementary School, in Stafford County, Virginia, were among five schoos in the region tht reeived calls a bomb threat by robo call on 1/11. PWC policae said the threat was also uncredible and unrealted to the threats at the high school.

Since January 4, 2016, the Prince William County Police Department has been working with school officials to investigate five threatening graffiti messages found in three separate high schools in the county. These messages have been located on bathroom walls in Woodbridge Senior High School, Gar-Field Senior High School, and, in a most recent incident, Forest Park High School. All five messages have been similar in nature and do not appear to pose a credible threat to any of the schools involved. We understand that although non-credible, these threats have caused concerns with parents due to rumors of these threats circulating on social media. The police department has dedicated resources to investigate these messages and has increased officer presence at the schools, simply as a precaution. School officials are more closely monitoring activity around bathroom areas. It appears these threats have been done to disrupt school functions and garner attention. The police department is fully investigating these matters and we take even false threats very seriously. Whoever posted these messages could be subject to potential felony criminal charges, in addition to possible school related discipline. It is imperative that parents speak to their teens about the seriousness of making these threats, and the potential repercussions on their future, especially in today's environment when we see horrific attacks all around the world. We continue to work closely with Prince William County Schools to ensure the safety of students, faculty, and staff. Anyone with information that can aid investigators in these cases is asked to call Prince William County Police at 703-792-6500. 7200 option9.

The Public InformationOfficer saiall updates on the investigation will be posted on the Prince Wlliam COunty Police Departmetn Facebook page.

Prince William County has seen a rise in criminal activity overall in recent months.