God anoints people for his purposes. Many people who believe they are called and anointed by  God have their own agenda, however.  Some posses an air of entitlement and seek to be elevated in the sight of man.  There is a big difference between letting the light of God that is within us shine and selfishly vying for ways to be in the spotlight.  Scripture teaches that your gift will make room for you. The focus of every servant of God is to win souls while being humble in the process, understanding that it is only by God's grace they are here! 

I do not desire to alienate anyone with this message, but I want to share something that has been in my heart for a long time because I have seen frequently the very opposite of humble service to God among ministers.  Many people of high stature in the church  or the community are not allowing God to fully use their gifts due to a pompous, condescending attitude that causes them to think more highly of themselves than they should.  Certain Church culture is defined by name-dropping just like in the secular arena. It is as if one must present a stellar resume to volunteer in some instances.  This is why it is not surprising that the harvest is plentiful and the laborers are few.  Often, Christians don't work well or tolerate each other's shortcomings.   Such belittling attitudes also carry a spirit that repels people rather than draw them.  It's a spirit that says you have to prove yourself, have a title, status, pedigree or degree to gain acceptance or to simply be treated with dignity and kindness in the Kingdom of God.

For years, I downplayed or outright hid the type of work I do, my spiritual gifts, knowledge and expertise because I did not want anyone to place me into the same category as the high-minded cliques of the Church. Truthfully, when you are gifted by God it will be evident no matter how hard you try to stifle it, for a city that is on a hill can not be hidden.  Thank God that I have learned to cope in such environments and have begun to let my guard down.  (The flipside is that sometimes it is important to protect one's anointing because people will try to use you strictly for your gifts.  It is important to always pray for spiritual discernment to confirm what God wants you to do in certain situations.)

Those who are called and anointed by God must be approachable in order to do effective Kingdom work.

I just listened to a powerful message about the people of God giving a bad impression of God and Christianity.  It was a  gentle  reminder that the "high is for the lowly" from Bishop Noel Jones.  Jones said, "All of us know who God has his hands on. He reveals to us the individuals who he is working through. . .We who don't have that anointing have to find those who have the anointing in order  to deliver us out of the peril of  our own lives. . . It is good to know you are special, but not let it go to your head. . .Many of us become ugly and hard to deal with. . .  It is how the handlers It is how the people in charge paint the picture of how God is. . . One of our great problems is not the Word of God, it's even not the Church. . .The world is looking to you, the world is looking to you to be God-like in your disposition because they only see God through you. . . But, its how the handlers operate in the things of God. Instead of it becoming inviting it becomes a turn off...because they represent God in a manner He should not be represented. . .the world is looking to you particularly when " Humility is in fact a Godly trait. Christ demonstrated humility as a human who dwelled among sinners. This is the example "chosen ones" should follow.