Statement: Pastor James MacDonald of Harvest Church goes on a indefinite sabbatical

By Mona Austin

Pastor and Televangelist James MacDonald of Harvest Bible Chapel in Chicago has gone on an indefinite sabbatical.  The Church Elders posted a statement at claiming there were a plethora of problems from anger to "unresolved patterns" in finances and  on-going issues with "relational wounds" that triggered his departure.  Internal conflict with staffing appears to have been a big source of the fallout. MacDonald will continue on throughout the Winter at the Naples Campus.  MacDonald has repented for past issues with the ministry, but questions about his leadership remained.

This is the second time MacDonald, 58 has resigned   in two years.  In 2017 he wrote a letter to the congregants of the Harvest Bible Fellowship (HBF) before branching off from them stating: "The Harvest Bible Chapel that I lead is resigning all responsibility to lead our fellowship of churches and administer the funds that you send to our Elgin campus in support of church planting. I, too, am resigning my role as President and, as of this notice, retain no role of influence over the work of HBF. 

He continued ministering with the Vertical Church and the radio program, "Walk In the Word."

A law suit was also a part of the fall out.  Harvest sued Julie Roys,  a former member and writer who exposed the shortcomings of the ministry in an article titled “Hard Times at Harvest” on the blog Roys had interviewed former members and employees of Harvest for the article which the church denied.  Harvest dropped the suit on Jan. 7 after a judge would not meet their demands to have the Elephant's Debt writer delay further  investigation.

According to the Church Leader Website: In a recent radio interview, Roys acknowledged she has information that has not yet been released. She says she is praying about when and how to release the information and asked for those listening to pray with her. “I want to do it in a way that is proper and brings glory to God and furthers the Kingdom…sometimes that involves telling the unfortunate truth,” Roys said. 

Following is the statement from Pastor MacDonald on the issue:

From Pastor James:
For a long time I have felt unequal to all but the preaching task at Harvest. I have battled cycles of injustice, hurt, anger, and fear which have wounded others without cause.

I have carried great shame about this pattern in certain relationships that can only be called sin. I am grieved that people I love have been hurt by me in ways they felt they could not express to me directly and have not been able to resolve. I blame only myself for this and want to devote my entire energy to understanding and addressing these recurring patterns.

I have long known and taught it is not about the messenger, it is about the message and I am grateful for a time of extended sabbatical, during which Harvest will be in capable hands. I may continue preaching at the Naples Campus through some of the winter season and have postponed all writing and leadership to begin in earnest now. I will continue this focus as long as it takes and participate wholeheartedly as requested in the process shared above. 

Please pray that this welcomed time of sabbatical rest will lead to needed changes in me and a fresh opportunity to reconcile with others in God’s time.

Christ is all He promised to be and more… “He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me by still waters. He restores my soul” (Psalm 23:2-3). Please pray for me and Kathy as we step away from the work, so God can do all He wants to do in the worker.