Virginia Gov. Dr. Ralph Northam has apologized about a photo that emerged Friday showing him in racist garb, while he was a medical student in 1984. The photo depicts two men posing, one in black face and the other in a KKK outfit. The governor did not say which outfit he was wearing, perhaps understanding both were offensive and problematic. "This behavior is not in keeping with who I am today, : said Northam. The Virginia GOP has called for his resignation: “Racism has no place in Virginia,” said RPV Chairman Jack Wilson. “These pictures are wholly inappropriate. If Governor Northam appeared in blackface or dressed in a KKK robe, he should resign immediately.”
Rep. Bobby Scott, Sen. Mark Warner and Sen. Cory Booker have joined the chorus of other politicians across the country (from both parties) who are calling for Gov. Northam's resignation. Thus far, he has not cooperated.
Let's keep the racist photo of Gov. Ralph Northam and his reluctance to resign in proper historical context shall we?
Virginia's Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax protested a tribute to Robert E. Lee in mid January.
“I believe there are certain people in history we should honor that way in the Senate . . . and I don’t believe that he is one of them. I think it’s very divisive to do what was done there, particularly in light of the history that we’re now commemorating — 400 years since the first enslaved Africans came to the commonwealth of Virginia," said Fairfax. He is only the second Black person to serve in a high-level, statewide political role since Douglas Wilder was governor from 1990-94. When Mr. Fairfax ran for office a labor union was not comfortable with seeing him on the fliers. He was deliberately omitted from fliers under Northam's watch and with his approval. Clearly racism in VA politics has been blatant long before Gov. Northam. The pic is just tangible evidence.
This is the nature of archaic Southern values and traditions -- the same ones that led to a riot and a death in Charlottesville, VA. An apology is not enough to excuse the behavior of a leader whose bigoted mindset was literally displayed in black and white in two yearbooks. Northam has released a written statement and video apologizing for his past faults, asking for a chance to correct them while he remains in office. He had 30 plus years to face his racist past and did nothing until it was exposed.