What should be your intention as a Believer? This is a rhetorical question. No matter what your passion, calling or purpose is, as disciples of Christ the GOAL or (intent) must be to win SOULS.
For several years now it has been my heart's cry that the Church (i.e., the Body of Christ) would grow in America particularly, and to purge itself, renew a righteous relationship with God and rise up with power to help spiritually transform the nation and world. This burden came from me noticing many troublesome trends -- from passing packed baseball field on my way to and from church, as well as the overall moral decay in our society. I have watched in sadness as the gospel of Jesus Christ is marketed in various ways only to give people temporary relief instead of hope everlasting. And last, but not least, churches are evovlving more as social gathering places for those who already are Christians, failing to take the message of Christ outside of the four walls or be instruments for winning souls (i.e., a lack of growth and expansion).
A dose of optimism: Brothers and sisters, the world wants to hear from you. I think we have an evangelism and outreach problem and it isn't very hard to rectify.
When I speak openly about my faith or share testimonies, have no doubt, my intention is to grab the attention of those who may be curious about Christ or the Faith. It is never my intent to force my beliefs on anyone. However, it is the duty of Christians to help people find their way to a loving relationship with God. This post should serve as an example of how to a witness for the Lord. Witnessing all starts with getting comfortable relaying who God is to you on a personal level. There are sever
The main thing the faithful must do is to be willing representative for the Kingdom of God.
Let your light shine so that all men can see, first and foremost in your living.
Be open to talking about your relationship with God. This is a form of personal testimony and no one can take it away from you or refute it. Your unique story is perhaps the strongest witnessing tool because it is irrefutable.
Knowing God has been fulfilling on many levels in my life and I know anyone who seeks him can experience life that is transformed. Keeping the knowledge of God to yourself is like robbing everyone around you of a new way of life that you could not have possibly purchased, gained, or otherwise had on your own.
For those of you who have already received the gift of salvation, as the collective Body of Christ, you are expected to enlarge God's Kingdom by "witnessing." Through brotherly love and practicing the principle of our faith daily, you can draw others to a relationship with Christ. Universal church growth is dependent on each individual Believer being actively engaged in outreach. We have no excuse. Social media makes it easy to minister to others, even if you are shy. It is not just the job of the pastor or telvangelist to spread the Gospel. We are all in this together. As an act of obedience to Biblical teachings, every Believer should be responsible for at least one person in their family, inner circle or in the community coming into the fold.
If as many people would galvanize the gospel as they prostelitize politics the Christian conversion rate would explode in America! Among many Evangelicals there is more vigorous participation in spreading political views than the "good news." We now have a president who wants to protect religious liberty. However, many evangelical Christians have become his mouthpiece. This is a prime time to be a mouthpiece for Jesus. Instead, people are trumpeting a religious oriented political agenda that has become divisive. Remember, America was a beacon of hope and light for Europeans escaping religious persecution. From its founding, God had been elevate If we are going to see a spiritual shift in America, as a Christ representative we must influence our culture by deliberately saturating it with Godly virtues. that God is alive he's real and he's active in the culture and we must be God's Ambassadors (2 Corinthians 5:2). The only way to know GOd is real is through his followers.
I say this with such confidence because I know that we are not alone. The Holy Spirit is always there to guide us. When God resides in our hearts, His light shines through us and will be noticed. The light of the Lord is magnetic. Those of us already in the fold should strive to live lives worthy of imitation that that illuminates holiness, righteousness and justice. This is a principle in God's Holy Word. Then we must activate the transforming power of God and pray for the conversion of hearts and minds.
Go in Gods grace and let the light within you shine by telling someone about the Lord today ! Love you (and I hope you know it), Mona