Vice Pres. Mike Pence assures graduates God will be with them when facing religious intolerance at Liberty University commencement

By Mona Austin 

Vice Pres. Pence likened standing firm on Christian values in today's world to being in the fiery furnace described in scripture at the 2019 Liberty University graduation on Saturday, May11. "Men and women of Liberty University, Class of 2019, as you strive for greatness, know that you’ll face challenges, you’ll face opposition.  But just know this: If, like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, you end up in the fire, there’ll be another in the fire." He assured the students that under the leadership of the Trump Administration their religious freedoms are secure.  

Quoting Pres. Donald Trump from when he spoke at ther religious educational instiution founded by the late Jerry Falwell, Sr., two years earlier he said:  “No one is ever going to stop you from practicing your faith or from preaching what is in your heart.”

Pence mentioned his wife Karen being under fire for trying to teach at a Christian school and said they must be prepared for similar rejection. "Some of the loudest voices for tolerance today have little tolerance for traditional Christian beliefs.  So as you go about your daily life, just be ready.  Because you’re going to be asked not just to tolerate things that violate your faith; you’re going to be asked to endorse them.  You’re going to be asked to bow down to the idols of the popular culture."
 Per a press release from the school, Vice President Mike Pence delivered the Commencement address at the 46th Commencement ceremony of Liberty University. before a   gathering of over 50,000 at Williams Stadium on the Liberty University campus, including 8,416 graduating students in attendance. The University graduated 20,731 total students, 80% of who earned their degrees in Liberty University's award-winning online programs.
The speech by the Vice President included a rousing call for religious tolerance at a time when free speech and religious freedom are under attack in America. Vice President Pence said, "Today you have a President and an administration that are standing strong for freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and the unalienable right to life … America needs men and women of integrity and faith now more than ever. The truth is, we live in a time when the freedom of religion is under assault."

In his remarks at the Commencement, Liberty University President Jerry Falwell, Jr. reflected on the spirit of entrepreneurialism instilled in the University by its founder, the late Dr. Jerry Falwell, Sr.: "Graduates, I hope that your time at Liberty has also placed (the entrepreneurial) spirit including a real love for people in you. Liberty was built by entrepreneurs who took huge risks, and if you do that in your life and aren't afraid of failing, you'll be shocked at what you can accomplish."
Pence boasted that the timing is right to enter the workforce saying because after two years of the leadership of President Donald Trump, confidence is back, jobs are coming back… in a word, America is back and you're just getting started!"