Trump-scorned congresswomen were banned from traveling to Israel, then the decision was reversed for one and she no longer wants to go

By Mona Austin A tweet form President Donald Trump led to two Congresswomen being blocked from visiting Israel.

All accept two members of the U.S. Congress from the so-called "squad" are welcome in Israel.

Congresswomen Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) and Ilhan Omar (D-MN) were barred from visiting Israel after Pres. Trump said they were anti-Semetic Jew haters  who should not be allowed to enter the country. Both women have criticized Israel in the past for its treatment of Palestinians. "They have become the face of the Democrat party," he added. 

This  attack on the  two leaders, who have also supported bids for impeaching the president, augments disdain against Muslims and the tendency of the president to entangle domestic issues in international relationships on his Twitter feed.
This is the first time an American President has infringed on freedom of speech and expression of lawmakers and used his power to influence another government against hi own. There has been widespread bipartisan condemnation of Trump encouraging the rejection of the two leaders. Florida Senator Marco Rubio has been outspoken about the anti-BDS movement, and disagrees with the women's approach to the Israel-Palestinian peace process, but thinks they should be able to visit.

Ambassador Daniel Shapiro said on CNN with Don Lemon that due to the strong diplomatic relationship with Israel, all of Congress had already been approved to visit the ally nation a month ago, but Israeli  Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reversed the decision. Netanyahu claims he barred the two  women because of their roles in pushing legislation against   the BDS movement. "Congressmen Talib and Omar are leading activists in promoting boycott legislation against Israel in the US Congress," Netanyahu wrote. Yet, his statement came out shortly after Trump's tweets about the matter, possibly revealing the PM was bowing to pressure from Trump.
It may also be that he is attempting to please voters as he is up for reelection next month various political analyst have said.
Omar said Israel is implementing Trump's Muslim ban. Presidential hopeful Sen. Amy Klobuchar said,  "He is literally exporting intolerance."

Texas Democrat Shelia Jackson Lee, a member of the House Judiciary Committee also voiced her support.

She said singling out the freshman lawmakers is a reflection of this administration's attitude against Muslims and she believes Israel should reconsider. As of Friday morning Israel government granted Tlaib the opportunity to visit the West Bank on humanitarian grounds. She had said she would not protest while there and wanted to see her 90-year-old possibly for the last time. However, the congresswoman declined, indicating she would not visit under "oppressive conditions."