Lewondowski defies Democrats in impeachment inquiry

Corey Lewandowski, Former campaign manager of Pres. Donald Trump, the first witness in an impeachment hearing against his ex-boss, refused to answer questions for the better part of  six hours in front of the  judicial committee on Tuesday, September 17. Thee goal of the Democrats was to expose ways in which Trump obstructed justice. Having previously answered 20 hours worth of questions during the Mueller investigation, using a chiding tone in his opening remarks he stated the hearing was a waste of time and the lawmakers could be working on more important things. "There are real issues to be faced and real people that this body can help. America's divisions are real, and yet I am hopeful that we as a country can come together."

Forcing a roll call vote that minimized uncovering facts and prolonged the hearing. Lewandowski belligerently mocked Democrats and stated he could not answered questions to honor a request from the White House, ignoring the fact that he was never a White House employee. Democrats seemed generally weakened by performance.
Congressman Steve Cohen brought to light proof of the suspicion that said he got cold feet and didn't follow Trumps instructions to carry a message to then Attorney General Jeff Sessions about recusal form the Mueller investigation.

"The House Majority has failed the American people. Both by supporting illegal immigrants pouring across our borders killing innocent Americans and failing to solve the opioid crisis where 130 Americans die daily from overdoses—that's the equivalent of a 9/11 level tragedy occurring every 23 days.
We as a nation would be better served if elected officials like you concentrated your efforts to combat the true crises facing our country as opposed to going down rabbit holes like this hearing." Staff attorney Barry Burke made more headway with the hostile witness as he handled the cross examination during the second part of the hearing. He forced Lewandowski to admit he has not always been truthful.

Lewandowski confirmed on Tuesday that Trump asked him to tell then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions to limit the scope of the Russia investigation in 2017 — a move that might amount to obstruction of justice. He also confirmed he has bee dishonest with the media. "I have no obligation to be honest with the media because they are just as dishonest as anybody else," Lewandowski, Trump's former campaign manager, said during his five hour-long testimony.   Committee Chair Jerry Nadler is considering charging him with contempt of court due to his disrespect for the court.

President Trump tweeted that his confident did a beautiful" job. Some read his blustering performance as a sign of guilt. Lewandowski is reportedly running for the Senate in New Hampshire.