READ IT: White House releases controversial Ukraine phone call memo

Ukraine Call Memo Could Be September Surprise

Today  incriminating notes from Pres. Donald Trump's call suggesting Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy investigate the business dealing of Hunter Biden were made public. The White House referred to the conversation from July 25th, 2019 as a "declassified, unredacted transcript."  It's not a transcript, which leaves some

Rather, it is  a summarized receipt that literally tells the American people what they should know about the call.

Republican Sen. Mitt Romney said, "I read the transcript and it remains troubling in the extreme."

The president is declaring his innocence on Twitter, but there are blatant statements that reflect the abuse of authority that law lawmakers find troubling. For instance the president stated in the call,  "There is a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that. . .so whatever you could do with the Attorney General would be great." 

"The president of the United States has betrayed the United States and his oath of office," said Adam Schiff, adding that he compromised  national security. Trump met with the Ukranian leader today at the United Nationa General Assembly in New Yprk today who said he did not feel "pushed' to pursue and investigation at the presidnet's request and the phon call was normal. Later in a press conference the U.S. president said he would also release the transcript for a second call with Zelenskyy and snidely suggested that the calls of Vice Pres. Mike Pence could be released too.

The impeachment inquiry is underway.  House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has vowed to move swiftly and "strike while to iron is hot" in holding Trump accountable.