Ukraine Abd. Bill Taylor offered a damning testimony during a behind closed door hearing that lasted over 9.5 hours on Tuesday. In his 16-page opening statement the top U.S. Diplomat in the Ukraine said Trump attempted to keep  a phone call in which he asked Ukrainian leader Vlodomyr Zelensky to investigate a political rival, a secret -- potentially thwarting the White House's quid pro quo defense. "Our relationship with Ukraine was being fundamentally undermined by an irregular, informal channel of US, policy-making and by the withholding of vital security assistance for domestic political reasons," Mr. Taylor asserted. Taylor's testimony stems from a Whistleblower complaint that Pres. Trump has attempted to discredit from day one as hearsay.
Taylor revealed who is in the discreet channel of communication and in so doing he exposed who in Trump's political circle knew about the plot to investigate Joe and Hunter Biden allegedly to frame the elder Biden to give himself an advantage in the 2020 election. In addition to the US envoy to Ukraine Kurt Volker, Ambassador to the EU Gordon Sondland (who both previously testified) being in the loop, Energy Secretary Rick Perry and Trump's personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani were also apprised of the details of Mr. Trump's forbidden request. What Taylor described, according to many Democrats is "devastating" and  leaves no doubt about the president operating with the Ukraine on a quid pro quo basis. According to Taylor's opening statement, Trump indeed laid out demands to block military aid as a contingency to getting dirt on the Bidens, a process to which  Taylor objected in an early September text. He confessed, "I said on September 9 in a message to Ambassador Gordon Sondland that withholding security assistance in exchange for help with a domestic political campaign in the United States would be 'crazy' I believed that then and I still believe that." But Democratic lawmakers have emphasized that quid pro quo is not the focus of their inquiry. This is an abuse of power investigation with several articles of impeachment that seeks to determine whether Trump committed crimes in his role as the country's leader including compromising national security. Taylor determined denying previously approved funding to a foreign nation was a deviation from the norm, although White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney described it as a normal function of negotiating with a foreign entity in a White House press briefly last week. It would appear that the Democrats have all the proof they need to formally impeach Pres. Trump from the numerous articles of impeachment that have already been filed since 2017, followed by the level of detail Mr. Taylor shared. What is stopping Democrats from impeaching Trump. Some argue it is politics. Democrats have been unable to resolve their query that would ultimately delegitimize the Trump presidency in connection with a win associated with Russia's interference into the 2016 election. Meanwhile, Trump and Republicans have dubbed the opposing party the "do-nothing Democrats" almost daring House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her fellow politicians to do something to prove their claims are valid. The White House responded saying this is hearsay time three.

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