Praise Jesus!
Palm Sunday is the Sunday before Easter, the end of Lent and the start of Holy Week. Palm Sunday commemorates Christ's entrance into Jerusalem as Savior and King. It was prophesied in the book of Zachariah that the Messiah would arrive on a donkey and he did --twice -- doubly confirming the words of the prophet. (SEE ZACHARIAH 9:9 and ISAIAH 62:11). First, he came to Bethlehem, Jerusalem on a donkey after his birth. Second, Jesus rode a donkey into Jerusalem (foreshadowing new birth) ahead of the crucifixion. Upon his arrival, a large crowd gathered and laid palm branches and their cloaks across the road. This "royal treatment" signified that people believed he was King despite the condemnation of the rulers . Known as the 'Triumphant Entry,' when Jesus arrived, HE hey shouted, "Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest heaven!" Having conquered death and the grave, through which our eternal life was gifted, Christ will return again as the whole world bears witness to his prophetic coming. This is why we rejoice!
This year, stay-at-home orders imposed by the Coronavirus crisis is keeping the faithful out if church. But that does not mean we should not observe Palm Sunday and the season commemorating the resurrection of Christ, which is the most significant aspect of the Christian walk. This is a prime time to demonstrate what it means to be the ecclesia, the Bodyy of Christ, by proclaiming Jesus is Sovereign King.