(The Slice): During the eulogy of George Floyd Rev. Al Sharpton figuratively called for America to get off the neck of African Americans, an act a police officer literally initiated in the execution of the deceased.
While trying to bring a sense of hope the leader of the National Action Network admitted that in times like this he has felt hope was abashed. Sharpton put many entities on blast for perpetuating the type of racism that was compounded to spur the movement for justice now taking place in the form of protests throughout the nation.
"We don't want any favors. Get off of us and we can do and be whatever we want to be," said Sharpton. "The reason we could not be what we wanted to be is because you kept your knee on our neck." A self-proclaimed blower-upper" Sharpton, who hosts Politics Nation on MSNBC, also referred to Pres. Trump without mentioning his name as "that man" for holding up the Bible in front of St. John's Church in DC for a photo op minutes after ordering the National Guard to mobilize in areas where protesters were fighting for justice for Mr. Floyd. He said the Floyd family will not allow him to be used as a prop.
While the Civil Rights leader used the moment to illuminate injustice it was fitting as Floyd's brother said he "stood for justice any and every where" and asked, "Can ya'll please say his name?"
Sharpton acknowledged celebrities attending the funeral including Kevin Hart, Tiffany Haddish, T.I and Tiny, Tyrese Gibson, Will Packard, and Ludacris. Sen. Amy Klobuchar also attended the service. Bishop Hezekiah Walker led the audience in singing "Every praise is to our God."
There was a moment of silence during the homegoing celebration lasting 8:46 representing the amount of time Derek Chauvin pressed his knee on Mr. Floyd's neck during the deadly encounter on May 25 the Powderhorn neighborhood near downtown Minneapolis, Minnesotta. Several other memorial events are planned.