Like father, like daughter
Trump Advisor Kellyanne Conway's 15-year-old daughter Claudia has been silenced on social media for bashing Pres. Donald Trump in Tik Tok videos. Physically, Claudia is a perfect split between her mother and father. Politically, she is the spitting image of her dad, the founder of the political pact The Lincoln Project. Conway's husband George, a staunch Trump opposer, was already notorious for working to take down "The Donald. " The outspoken teen who called Trump a "pu**y grabber" became a sensation overnight. Claudia gained a large following after changing her profile to a black background with the names of black people who have been killed by cops on it. Claudia also called for the arrest of the cop who killed Breyonna Taylor. Her mom reeled in her liberal views by deleting the Tik Tok videos and making her Instagram account private.