(The Slice): Did you know 40% of people with Coronavirus are asymptomatic?
This is the case according to Dr. Francis Collins, Director of the National Institute of Health and it is one important reason scientists must continue to strive to develop theurapeutics and find an effective vaccine. Dr. Collins shared the latest developments stated in an appearance with the National Press Club on C-SPAN on October 23 that the Moderna trial has 30,000 paticipants, 37% of whom are people of color. He expressed optimism that a vaccine will be avilable in the coming year, if not be the year's end.
It has taken some effort from the African American Medical community to build trust around participating in trials. Blacks, Hispanics and othrs are skeptical about using a vaccine one it is discovered based on the lack of transparency on the spread of the diseaese and uncertainties about the proper mitigation.
The FDA does not approve a vaccine that has less than 50% effectiveness. By the end of 2020 there may be at least one vaccine that meet sthis criteria for amergency use, mbut Collins says he does not know that for sure.
Collins remineded to public to pratice the " 3 W's":
- Wear your maske
- Watch your distane
- Wash your hands
He said we are going to still have problems if younger people keep thinking they are "immortal."
Recognizing many people may not undrestand the science and messages on the Coronavirus could be sent in simpler terms that more people can understand he suggests, "We need more Tony Fauci's." referring to the member of the White house Coronavirus Task Force who is the leading scientist on the subject. He syas many scientists are no god at communicating concepts in simple terms.

If millions of Amreicans refuse to take the vaccine once we have it he warns, "We could be here for years."