Rapper Ice Cube has entered the realm of politics with the introduction of his Contract with Black America. While he says he has no interest in being a politician, politics are inextractable when promoting changes of a legislative nature. This mammoth undertaking he proposed is a polirical non-starter. Knowledge and understanding of how our government works is necessary before this plan gets off the ground.
A few upfront considerations are outlined here to help Black Americans understand how starting a nmovement of the magnitude IceCue is projecting would work realistically:
1. He has to receive buy-in from the people he wants to represent. Whether elected or appointed formally by an official organizational body, council, board or formal group (like a PAC), an initiative of this magnitude requires more than passion and a well written proposal -- it requires a capable champion selected by the people. In principle, Black folks must collectively approve of a proposal that can change how they operate in society forever.
2. Votera must Ander a fee questions before jumping on the Ice Cube or pro'Tr
3. Predidents do not have the cart blanche power to single handedly implement teh changes in the proposal. The process would involve an Act of Congress.
My question for Ice Cube is this: "What do you want from America? Or, freedom and equality to pursue your goals and dreams without the cloak of racism or pay back for reparations? If you are interested in the latter, you have to define it in concrete terms and that is hard to do. It takes time, research, funding and Congressopnal procedures. Others are already working on defining the "pay back" parameters for Black America and have been for years. It does not happen on a grassroots level, where Ice Cube has been operating.
The well know rapper/actor is being taken to task for advising the Trump Administration as Black people are experiencing one of the darkest seasons in American history. White supremacists are getting exactly what they want from a nonchalant president who is negotiating in his Platinum Plan to make Juneteenth a federal holiday at the behest of ill-informed Black WH ADVISORS. Ice Cube only sees Trump as a power broker and is willing ro work with him and says he could vote for him if he signs off on his contract. (Of course I have a broader understanding and sit on a closer perch than most, but a blind woman can see neither political party has delivered for Blacks tangibly in a long time.) However, the Democtatic party delivered the Black middle class ushering in leospweirybdoe some. The focus must NOT be on the party but on the person running. Who you support must come down to individualism. I want people making decisions for me who have a conscience. Unfortunately, most politicians see voters as numbers and the Black voter segment has been played around with far too long.
I pray the work of BLACK WOMEN is not in vain as they seemingly are working alone on the front lines to protect the Black family/community. I urge everyone to use their rights to be an independent thinkers and voters. Don"t forget the bridge that brought you over, which are the lives that were sacrificed so you can be free.This election has come down to winning by any means necessary. Keep in mind Ice Cube's plan landed during this election season but is long-term. He has to work with those who are already doing the work without making the vote a bargain chip for an entire race. This is a firm of qiud pro quo that could lead to devastating political consequences. Unless he does