(NOTE: Anything you hear is speculation and based on projections at this point.)
Ballots for the U.S. presidential election are still being counted. The race could go either way.
Both the camps of Pres. Donald Trump and Joe Biden are standing by for the results of Tueday night's preidential election. The Trump campaign is on the offense this morning, having sued several states claiming they were not allowed to see ballots being counted, accusations that there were attemtps to disinfranchise GOP voters and voter fraud. Pres. Trump is still demanding that the counting of valid ballots stops as his lead shrinks.
Pennsylvania officials are saying they may befinished counting and abjudicating some 140,000 outstanding votes by this afternoon. Pres. Trump enjoys the lead in PA. In AZ, Biden has the lead. Arizona was prematurely called fro biden yesterday while there wee In both states the margins between the candidates are close.