From reality show to a new reality: Joe Biden beats the odds in presidential win

EDITORS NOTE: The aftermath of the 2020 presidential election was marked by total confusion.  People marched.  The campaigns of candidates clashed in the media The candidates themseleves both projected victory.  Claims of voter fraud in Geoargia, Pennsylvania and Arizona fueled the division.  Officials were careful not to call a winner until the balloting debacles were resolved, but Pres. Donald Trump self-declared he was the winner in the early hours of Nov. 4.  The Slice Report waited to deliver a report until there was a moment of clarity.  We never wait to announce news this big.  With tenions high around the country, it became important to report the winner when the results were indisputable.  While voting continues, presumptively, and with an abundance of supportive data, the Delaware Senator Joe Biden, is the next President of the United States based on both popular votes and electoral college votes.

(The Slice): On Saturday, Nov. 7, the Associated Press declared Joe Biden as president-elect in Pennsylvania, a state that became a legal focal point in the 2020 election, at 11:25 a.m. EST. The decision followed 5 days of strangulated ballot counting in 4 battleground states that led to multiple law suits from Incumbent Pres. Donald Trump. Winning Pennsylvania carried Biden over the required 270 electoral votes. The results of Trump v. Biden were told next in Nevada, a “dry place” acquainted with wins and loses, giving Biden an additional 6 votes. Voters around the nation who had anxiously awaited the news praised jubilantly like the Rio Grand river was flowing again. On the next day,  as vote tabulations continued, the total electoral college votes stood at 290 fo 213.

Having claimed that Biden won through widespread election fraud, without providing proof, it has been widely reported that Pres. Trump has no intention of leaving the White House, prolonging the controversy in one of the most complex re-election contests in history.

The Trump presidency was marked by the feel of a reality show with cameras always nearby, his incessant social mea presence and his dominating the news media. The former Apprentice boss was often criticized for bringin a seemngly trivial element to the highest potion in the land. He is handling the news of his loss as if it is negotioable, when in reality, he is trailing significantly in both the popular and electoral college votes. Joe Biden has accepted this reality and is proceeding as if he is already seated in the Oval Office.

The AP has a breakdown on their logic on calling the race for Biden here.