WATCH: Steve Harvey declares 'There is no one way to heaven' in video Posted on Youtube for millions to see

Family Feud host Steve Harvey, a professed born again Christian, is in tj news for making a controvesial statement about eternal life.  Harvey posted a video on Instagram following a trip to the Middle East in which he made the controversial comment that there is more than one path the heaven, caussing some to question whether he has abandoned traditional Christian theology on the matter.  

"There's no one way to Heaven, no one way to paradise,” Harvey declared. “It's like television, now there's [sic] over 800 channels on cable, and they're all pretty entertaining. So I'm pretty sure that to get to Heaven, there's got to be more than one route. Because somebody watching another channel or taking another channel than you, they're still getting entertained, and they probably still getting to Heaven.”

Harvey's views are a major departure from essential Christian doctrine, which teaches that acceptance of Jesus Christ as the Savior of the world is the only way to salvation and eternal life. 

Specifically scripture teaches, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me,” Jesus said (John 14:6).  Making it more clear that he is the only way to paradise, in John 8:24 Jesus said: “For unless you believe that I am He, you shall die in your sins.”

The moderator of the video focuses on Harvey's prosperous life and delves into religion a bit.  He seemed to be flattered that someone of Harvey's stature could accept the Muslim faith.  The mani in ther video also believes there is one way to paradise and people should embrace oth religiouns.  This thinking spills into the one world religion concept.

Mr. Harvey has testified about his faith in God openly on his radio show and TBN in the past.  At the mosque he vistied in Abu Dhabi, he poke of being more accepting of Islam, a religious system that is based on peace, but only recognizes Jesus as a prophet. He talked about faith being the reason for his success and was pleased to see a mosque in the Middle Eastern city named after Mary, the mother of Jesus, which is an ironic anomoly that conveys there are multiple ways to God.  Does this mean that Harvey has denounced his core Christian worldview or is he expanding it to accept others who may view God differently?