March on For Voting Rights event to be held around the country

 An estimates 50,000 people will put on their marching shoes this Saturday in the nation's capitol for the "March on for Voting Rights." The mass mobilizations effort commemorates the anniversary of the March on Washington where MLK delivered the "I have a Dream speech 58 years ago."

Rep. Mike Johnson, R-La., recently stated that “it is easier for eligible Americans to vote than ever before in American history.”False claims like this and the contested 2020 presidential election results that were confirmed by the Supreme Court are the impetus for the effort. Access to the ballot box is repeatedly hindered in various states throughout the country.

The For the People Act is sweeping voting rights legislation currently under consideration at the U.S. Senate. The purpose of the Act is the remove barriers in voting, abuse of election funds and many other issues. The sluggish response formt he GOP will be addressed at the March as Civl Rights leaders put pressure on politicians to pass the bill that has been on the table since