(The Slice): Ten years ago today, a group of students and teachers were murdered at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. Then President Barack Obama shed tears at the podium when he held a press conference saying he was responding as a parent. At that time Congress would not cooperate on sensible gun control, energizing advocates who were in disbelief that the death of ffirst graders did not compel legislators to do something meaningful. In all 20 children and six teachers were the carnaged by a teen who should have never been able to get his hands on an assault gun. Gun reform advocates were emboldened, not deterred and have contnued for a decade to fight for an answer.
In fact, survivors of the Colorado gay club massacre are testifying to Congress today for better gun reform.
Inaction on gun violence has caused Americans to suffer "societal guilt" Pres. Biden said in a statement on the Sandy Hook anniversary: 'We should have societal guilt for taking too long to deal with this problem. We have a moral obligation to pass and enforce laws that can prevent these things from happening again. We owe it to the courageous, young survivors and to the families who lost part of their soul ten years ago to turn their pain into purpose.'
The president used the occasion commemorating Sandy Hook to re-emphasized the need for an assault weapons ban and use of magazine clips. The gun safetty law he passed closes the boyfirend loop hole, requires enhanced background checks before a weapon is sold, provides funding and incentivizes states to implement red flag laws . Speaking at a vigil for all victims of gun violence he said even though it was the most significant progress made on the issue in 30 years it was still "not enough."
"Oh no, not again" was the sentiment many people felt when it appeared that a dubious duplication of Sandy Hook occured in Uvalde, TX this year at Robb Elementary. For Biden, he would once again take on the challenge of finding a way to do something. The Buffalo grocery store shooting occuring a week thereafter knocked the wind out of a nation that was already grieving over other mass shottings and losses during the pandemic.
After a 30-year tussle on Capitol Hill, Congress finally treaded forward with the bi-partisan bill. Unlike Sandy Hook or the Parkland High School shooting in Florida, lossing baby faces of convincing 15 Republicans to join Democrats in autoring a gun control law. The measure requires background checks for gun buyers under 21 and provides financial incentives for states to create mental health programs and implement “red flag” laws that would keep weapons out of the hands of criminals and the mentally ill.
Legislators have acknowledged that more work needs to be done.
In the vening at the White House green lights were shone on the building in honor of the Sandy Hook victims.