By Mona Austin
(The Slice): At the top of today's briefing following the Thursday morning release of Brittney Griner in a prison swap, reporters' attention was on the dismal outlook of detainee Paul Whelan's family. Griner was the only American exchanged for a Russian weapons dealer who was known to have plans to kill Americans. In a statement Whelan's family said that only securing Griner's release is "catosrrophic" for him while they are happy for her family and understood the Biden Administration did what was possible.
Paul's brotger Whelabn said in a statement he coukd "literally only imagine the joy she will have, being reunited with her loved ones, and in time for the holidays."
Press Secretary Karine Jean Pierre emphasized the U.S. government had exhausted all options in a "painstaking" process to get two Americans released.
On Dec . 2 contact was made with Paul and he was "in good health." He has since been informed of this exchange."
Repeatedly, the president's spokeswoman said negotiatiators did all they could for him but bringing Whalen home was not on the table.
"It was a choice of bringing one or bringing none. There was no way to bring Paul home now. We would have preferred to have both Paul and Brutney home," she explained adding, " Whelan is being treated differently. The Russians are not negotiating in good faith."
Pres. Biden called Britney along with her wife Cherelle and Sec. Anthony Blinken this morning while she was on the plane en route to the U.S. Where she will land is being withheld for security reasons. Upon arrivall she may be offered medical and mental health services, which is typical when detainees arrive back to the U.S.
Critics, including a FOX reporter in the room felt it was a bad deal. Whelan, a Marine detained on spying charges, has been in a Russian prison since 2016. Opinions about what the Biden Administration thought would be celebratory news, are divided along partisan lines.
"It was either Britney or no one at all and we are not going to apologize for it," said Biden's spokesperson.
The White House acknowledged that awareness of Whelan's imprisonment was augmented by the publicity connected to Griner's celeb status.
Jean Pierre told The Slice News Americans traveling abroad must look at the tool kit of preparation the State Department has updated for safe travel. She said Americans should consider it a warning.
Jean Pierre who like Griner is gay and Black said she is not comfortable traveling overseas in light of all that happened with Griner.