By Mona Austin
(TSN): Bishop Marvin L. Winans disclosed he has bladder cancer in the Perfecting Church service on Sunday. The 66-year-old gospel legend and pastor went public about the diagnosis and the news quickly went viral online with fans sending healing thoughts and prayers.
The prognosis came after he had been seen in an emergency room for discharging blood during urination when doctors decided to perform surgery. At the time it was discovered through tests that he had cancer. Winans has since undergone a battery of treatments and had a cysoscopy.
Before sharing his testimony he told the church, "Doubt and faith can not operate in the same spot."
Initially in skeptical, the pastor saw the mass and told doctors he did not believe what they were saying. Eventually he acknowledged the condition but kept declaring, "God is my healer." He had asked a member of the church to pray for him and not only did she pray, but she also "laid hands" on him, a Christian practice believed to transfer healing power from God onto the afflicted.
At his next follow-up appointment the doctor probed the area to see if there were changes to the growth. There were. The mass that was previously found had disappeared!
"There is nothing there," he said the doctor stated.
Winans has continued to preach throughout the health trial and even altered his treatment schedule to keep commitments at the Holy Convocation, a large annual gathering of the members of the Church of God In Christ.
"You can tell all the folk on YouTube trying to kill me off I ain't going nowhere."
The experience inspired the acclaimed singer/songwriter to pen the song, "Doubting Nothing."