First Lady Obama Faces of With a Heckler

buzzz worthy. . .

Usually First Lady Michelle Obama works well under pressure.

Poised and focused, she has answered tough questions head on from supporters and non-supporters alike.

Tuesday night at a DNC fund-raising event in Northwest Washington, DC, someone crossed the line and the First Lady lost her composure.

In an unprecedented and uncharacteristic move, First Lady  Obama directly confronted a heckler.

A pro-LGBT rights woman standing at the front began shouting complaints about the Obama administration's inaction on a gay rights executive order.

"Wait, wait, wait.  One of the things I don't do well is this.  Do you understand?," replied FLOTUS to loud applause.

She left the lectern and moved over to the protester and assertively said, "Listen to me or you can take the mic, but I'm leaving. You all decide. You have one choice."

Crowd started shouting that they wanted FLOTUS to stay.

"You need to go!" said one woman near the protester.

CNN later identified the heckler as Ellen Sturz from Get Equal. Sturz did not back down as she was  escorted out, shouting "...lesbian looking for federal equality before I die."

FLOTUS resumed her speech to address issues  the party will carry into the future .

"So let me make the point that I was making before," continued FLOTUS. "We are here for our kids. So we must recapture that passion. That same urgency and energy that we felt back in 2008, 2012. Understand this -- this is what I want you all to understand. This is not about us. No one back here. It's not about you or you or your issue or your thing. This is about our children."

Main takeaway from her speech was to stay engaged in off-presidential election years. 

The white tent reception was held at the residence of Karen Dixon and Nan Schaffer in NW DC, where the first lady will be attending a DNC fundraising200 people, followed by a round table discussion with around 20 people, according to a DNC official.

Tickets for the events range from $500 - $10,000.