Special Report: Women leaders make significant gains in defining the new normal in the U.S. workforce

buzzz worthy. . .

Recent stats punctuate the rise of women entrepreneurs  as significant economic
drivers in business. The women's leadership summit "Sisterhood Confidential" will address ways to compete and grow from the trend in DC on October 3-5, 2013

The late James Brown sang a song that aptly contextualizes the current state of employment in America: "This is a man's world, but it wouldn't be nothin' without a woman or a girl."

Those lyrics are true 

Women are credited with having a significant impact on the economic growth of the nation as work optional households have declined.

A new report suggests that of the 46.9% of employed women in the U.S. labor force, there are 8.6 million women owned businesses that play a part in sustaining America's economy. Further it showed women entrepreneurs are currently the fastest growing subset in the country, employing 7.8 million workers (Source: American Express Open). 

At the top of the heap are lady leaders who have tapped into their own creativity to build bank-breaking brands. Playing by their own rules, Ali Webb of Dry Bar, Spanx billionairess Sara Blakely, Lisa Price of Carol's Daughter and the entrepreneurial sister tandem of Georgetown Cupcakes Katherine Berman and Sophie LaMontagne, produce products that are associated with the skills of women, competing viciously while making noticeable contributions in the workforce. 

However, although the number has increased in recent years, women comprise only 4.2 percent of the CEO's in America, but only 16 percent serve on boards and there are no required quotas in the U.S. to affect the necessary change. (Catalyst. Catalyst Quick Take: Statistical Overview of Women% in the Workplace. New York: Catalyst, 2013.) 

Some employers have adopted mom-friendly policies and programs to retain female employees, yet the gender gap is still wide as women 
continue to fight for pay equity and against under-representation in corporate governance. 

When it comes to their contributions paying off across the board women still have plenty of work to do. 

In light of this compelling data, a Bristow, VA based woman owned business, Jireh Communications group, will host a leadership, carer advancement and personal development summit on October 3-5 in Washington, DC. At "Sisterhood Confidential"  2013 (SC 2013), women from all realms of the workforce will be valued, respected and supported.

SC 2013 will equip attendees with tools that hone a competitive edge by offering subject matter designed to help gain visibility and profitability for themselves or the companies or products they represent. 

With a focus on work and life balance, SC 2013 will champion 
career development while encouraging women to define and preserve themselves beyond their job descriptions. The event will also explore entrepreneurship, help attendees discover their personal brand and empower them to tap into the unique qualities that all women have to potentially become peak performers on their own terms.

"We have taken into consideration the challenges that confront career women on a daily basis. The topics will speak directly to the desires, concerns and needs of today's working woman and attendees will be able to leave with implementable insight," said SC 2013 visionary and JCG owner, Mona Austin (Black Belt 
Six Sigma Certified). 

Austin will speak on "Personal Branding the Six Sigma Way."

Over 3 days a talented slate of top tier women in media, marketing and business will join Austin to educate professional women on how to operate more effectively in the new normal in business. Speakers/Panelists include: Celebrity publicist, finance author, social networking guru, television producer, sponsorship and funding specialists and more. 

The event is open to women of all social, professional and ethnic persuasions. 

For more information about the "Moving Up Elevator Pitch Contest," group registration, sponsorship, or becoming a vendor contact Jireh Communications Group at (703) 986-3464 or by e-mail at info@jirehcreative.com.

For more information contact Mona Austin at mona@jirehcreative.com or call (703) 986-3464.

Register for the summit at http://www.eventbee.com/v/sisterhoodconfidentialdc