America's race doctor prescribes "Make Race Make Sense" campaign

buzzz worthy. . .

(Raleigh, N.C.) Maybe the cure to the common cold is years away but according to Adam L. Perkins, race relations expert, author and speaker, views of race in America is about to change. Perkins who affectionately calls himself America’s Race Doctor says that he feels the time has come to provide a perspective on race that will cause ideas like white guilt and black rage to become a thing of the past.

Perkins says the discussion of race is outdated and needs to be revised. His solution: “Stop focusing on race.” His speaking campaign MAKE RACE MAKE SENSE will launch this fall. Perkins says that his revolutionary approach removes “race” from the discussion in its entirety. “To design a lecture that doesn’t focus on race has taken many years to perfect. Audiences are diverse and lecturing to a diverse group on race requires delicate precision. My goal is to create an environment conducive for learning, conducive for understanding and one that leaves attendees feeling glad they came. I’ve now achieved this.”

Moreover, Perkins says that as America’s Race Doctor he sees all Americans as his patients and that his prescription is an all-inclusive one. “Not focusing on race does several things. First, it brings out the best in people because race is not seen as something objectionable. Second, people need to know upfront that this is a team effort. And finally, it validates the sincerity of remaining solution focused. It’s a win-win for our nation.”

The MAKE RACE MAKE SENSE campaign has an iconic poster which depicts former President George W. Bush and current President Barak Obama as caricatures in a heated debate over race while at the same time highlighting the challenges faced from national leaders downward.

MAKE RACE MAKE SENSE may well become the game changer. Perkins says he feels the campaign is unique among all current lectures currently available. “As America’s Race Doctor, I have to dissect the issue of race in ways not previously attempted in order to write a successful prescription for healing. This campaign does this and more.”

When asked about the recent shooting in Charleston, Perkins admits that such acts of violence creates challenges his campaign is designed to address. “I had just left Charleston a few weeks earlier. When I heard about the shooting and loss of life I cried. It hurt me down to the core of my being as I’m sure it did with most people. While I can’t change what happened, I will make the issue of race better for everyone. And as America’s Race Doctor that’s my personal promise.”

For more information on the campaign or scheduling a lecture please email: americasracedoctor@