Trump's KKK supporters show up in Nevada

buzzz worthy. . .

Hooded KKK allegedly rallied for Trump at a caucus event in the Las Vegas area. Trump has yet to denounce the endorsement of ex-Klan leader David Duke. He is aware he has the support of White Nationalist extremists and hate groups. Confederate flag waving radicals attend his rallies regularly. The Southern Poverty Law Center has tracked the connection between hate groups and Trump support online. Trump's overall attitude toward undocumented immigrants and referring to them as rapists and murderers, is appealing to anti-immigration white nationalists.  Trump has said that he hopes there is nothing in his message that is striking a chord with the wrong groups. However, he has done nothing to discourage them. 
Barack Obama was ram-rodded for associating with Pastor Jeremiah Wright, who was considered a Black nationalist. Before becoming president Obama disassociated with Wright and his church.

Donald Trump confirms, then denies, his father's arrest at a KKK rally