OPINION: It was an unhappy President's Day for #45

Happy President Day? I think not. The nation is still grieving over the recent deaths of faculty, students and staff at a Parkland, FL high school via a solo gunman carrying an illegal assault weapon. The response from Washington: more lip serviceIt's a sad, sad day in America when our petty POTUS, Donald J. Trump decides to start this holiday while relaxing at Mar a largo, his luxurious Florida resort.
As usual Trump started his morning on Twitter attacking Oprah Winfrey. He said Winfrey should run for president (she said she is not interested multiple times) so she could be exposed. He has also tweeted profusely on Presidents Day about the Russians interference with the election and attempting to wash his hands from it. He has yet to say how we are going to block outsiders from attacking our democracy. His priorities are all wrong.

Trump's entire focus should be about addressing the issues concerning mass shootings such as changing laws for gun control like enforcing federal background checks. He visited some of the students who were hospitalized from the Florida shooting and last Thursday he seemed to be sensitive in his statement abut the shooting assuring young people that they w
Documents have been released that indicate the gunman, Nikolas Cruz, 19 was mentally disturbed. FACT: Last year Pres. Donald Trump repealed an Obama regulation that blocked access to gun purchases for the mentally ill by placing their names in a federal database to ensure more thorough background checks. As a White House Correspondent I recall Obama aggressively enstating this regulation shortly after the Sandyhook massacre.
The Florida tragedy is a turning point on the public's demand for gun policy reform. Tired and flustered by Congress failing to respond with students from the Florida school and citizens around the nation take a stand, demanding an immediate change from Washington. So far Trump has not specified what he plans to do to keep America's children safe and restore domestic security in our nation. Unfortunately, many media outlets are not exposing Trump's true position on gun control. The fact that he nullified Obama's initial reformatory efforts on gun laws alone would hold Trump accountable and reveal that he leans red regarding "the right to bear arms."

From Sandyhook to the church in Sutherland Springs, Texas, authorities have stated most of the perpetrators of mass gun violence are mentally ill. Frustrated students are not accepting this excuse and have become activists to demand a solution.
In the latest school house mass murder, last Tuesday school administrators and the FBI were both forewarned that Cruz had plans to strike and was allegedly mentally ill.